Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

University of Trunojoyo Madura visits Communication UMM

A total of students and lecturers of Communication Department University of Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) visited to Communication Department University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Monday (28/10). Lecturers received at courtroom Faculty of Social and Politic science by the Dean Asep Nurjaman with Communication lecturers UMM. While the students received at Communication Students Association office at student center UMM.
Meeting was run well. Dean started with introducing communication lecturers UMM accompanied with head of Communication Department, Nurudin. Faculty of Social and Political Science, he said, determined get into international sphere by holding same aboard universities. Such as, in Malaysia and Australia.
“InsyaAllah the accreditation all departments at faculty of Social and Politic Science got an A. Then we confident enough to develop broader through the network among universities,” said Asep.
According to Head of Communication Department UTM, Surokim, explained the purpose the arrival is to introduce the student and lecturer with good example from a communication department. As it is know, communication UMM is department that accredited A and has representative laboratory. Not only that, Communication UMM also has good achievement from students or lecturers
“Right now we still have accreditation C, we want to learn from UMM so able to improve its value,” said Surokim.
Some communication lecturer UTM, said Surokim, is UMM alumni. Including first head of department, Sriwahyuningsih, and department secretary Imam Sofyan. They have shown their excellent performance in UTM.
On the other hand, Nurudin, admitted that administer the accreditation is not easy. Needed tenacity and precision, also hard work from all parties. Although recognized not easy to collect the data, but inevitably must to be done. “But when it was known with the result of an A, all felt paid off,” said Nurudin.
One of tips that can be developed in Communication UMM, further Nurudin, is to provide the greater opportunity to students work. Currently there are 21 titles of books by student work from various communities that stand from student initiative. Culture as it is believed stimulates lecturer creativity. “This is my work, where your work,” said Nurudin exemplifies the way to stimulate the student to compete in healthy manner.
In addition, in accreditation, department should know the excellence that become the trademark. Communication UMM, for example, has the characteristic of Media Literacy as an umbrella of research and social service. “All activities were directed to build social media literacy”said Nurudin. All activities must be documented as proof in fulfill accreditation form.
To answer the job market, communication UMM divided it into three concentrations; there are Journalistic, audio-visual communication and public relations. Student clubs that grown; one of it is the development from lecture activity based on the concentration. (fan/nas/t_zuh)

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Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

University of Trunojoyo Madura visits Communication UMM

A total of students and lecturers of Communication Department University of Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) visited to Communication Department University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Monday (28/10). Lecturers received at courtroom Faculty of Social and Politic science by the Dean Asep Nurjaman with Communication lecturers UMM. While the students received at Communication Students Association office at student center UMM.
Meeting was run well. Dean started with introducing communication lecturers UMM accompanied with head of Communication Department, Nurudin. Faculty of Social and Political Science, he said, determined get into international sphere by holding same aboard universities. Such as, in Malaysia and Australia.
“InsyaAllah the accreditation all departments at faculty of Social and Politic Science got an A. Then we confident enough to develop broader through the network among universities,” said Asep.
According to Head of Communication Department UTM, Surokim, explained the purpose the arrival is to introduce the student and lecturer with good example from a communication department. As it is know, communication UMM is department that accredited A and has representative laboratory. Not only that, Communication UMM also has good achievement from students or lecturers
“Right now we still have accreditation C, we want to learn from UMM so able to improve its value,” said Surokim.
Some communication lecturer UTM, said Surokim, is UMM alumni. Including first head of department, Sriwahyuningsih, and department secretary Imam Sofyan. They have shown their excellent performance in UTM.
On the other hand, Nurudin, admitted that administer the accreditation is not easy. Needed tenacity and precision, also hard work from all parties. Although recognized not easy to collect the data, but inevitably must to be done. “But when it was known with the result of an A, all felt paid off,” said Nurudin.
One of tips that can be developed in Communication UMM, further Nurudin, is to provide the greater opportunity to students work. Currently there are 21 titles of books by student work from various communities that stand from student initiative. Culture as it is believed stimulates lecturer creativity. “This is my work, where your work,” said Nurudin exemplifies the way to stimulate the student to compete in healthy manner.
In addition, in accreditation, department should know the excellence that become the trademark. Communication UMM, for example, has the characteristic of Media Literacy as an umbrella of research and social service. “All activities were directed to build social media literacy”said Nurudin. All activities must be documented as proof in fulfill accreditation form.
To answer the job market, communication UMM divided it into three concentrations; there are Journalistic, audio-visual communication and public relations. Student clubs that grown; one of it is the development from lecture activity based on the concentration. (fan/nas/t_zuh)

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